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#0 Welcome to my Dispatch - Start here

Black and white photos in a forest woodland
Photo by Phoebe Strafford / Unsplash

Welcome to the Dispatch section of my website.

Dispatch posts are:

  • Short, under 300 words
  • On a variety of topics and content
  • Gathered every week and distributed to members of my newsletter in a Sunday Roundup
  • Intended to add value to you, the reader

The phrase ‘add value’ is a woolly term, so let me clarify what I mean.

Inspired by the BBC’s six-user-needs approach, Dispatch posts will either:

  • Be useful – share advice, tools or insights.
  • Entertain – amuse or divert.
  • Update – inform or provide perspective.
  • Build trust – share with personality, expertise and honesty.
  • Inspire – strive to arouse curiosity or wonder.
  • Curate – showcase objects of interest based on a theme.


I started the Dispatch section of my website with a 30-day experiment which commenced on April 17, 2023.

One post per day, 30 days straight.

Why did I embark on the experiment?

In the interest of being an honest creator, I want to share some of my reasons for initiating the Dispatch posts.

  • I wanted to publish 100 pieces of content on this website by 31.12.2023. Sharing goals encourages accountability.
  • When we create and share our process we learn, hone our skills and connect with like-minded people along the way.
  • Platforms come and go – think Bebo and Myspace. But a domain is yours. By building our own little corner of the Internet that will always be ours, we carve a space to express ourselves and reflect. That is why I want to invest my time and attention here.
  • I like writing.

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