#27 Whoops... 💍

I have a confession: I had a blip in my 30 daily blog posts in 30 days experiment.
But I promise it's a good excuse.
It was my girlfriend’s birthday and I super secretly planned to propose.
I replicated our very first date which took place back in the shadow of post-lockdown while social distancing was in full swing.
She had no idea it was coming which is a miracle since she’s normally like a truffle pig with trying to root out surprises.
I’ll spare you the soppy romantic details but she said yes.
We went to a joint family and friends meal that evening to share the good news and it was a magical day.
I’m sure you understand why I was willing to break my streak.
Fortunately, the beauty of a modern CMS like Ghost is that I can back post and satisfy my organisational OCD.

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