1 min read

#2 A bulletproof mantra for nullifying trolls

Simple advice to protect your headspace and conserve your energy online.
Two pigs rolling around in the mud.
How it feels to engage with trolls. Photo by Crispin Jones / Unsplash

We’ve all witnessed trolls.

They thrive on social media or in comment sections, often lurking behind fake names and misleading profile pictures.

But after years working in newspapers and with social media, I keep the following mantra firmly in mind whenever I feel a twinge of temptation to engage with them:

If you wrestle a pig in muck, you’ll both get dirty and only one of you will enjoy it.

The takeaway is even if we go toe to toe with these people, we provide them with exactly what they want and feed their frenzy.

We also give them two of our most valuable resources: our time and attention.

Put those precious assets to better use.

The best option is to ignore the trolls and move on because otherwise we are left drained.


There are a couple of caveats to this rule.

First, calling out problematic opinions or stances.

We need to go into these interactions well prepared and accept that the exchange might sap our mental and emotional energy.

Second, if the criticism or negativity is pointed at us directly, and/or partially justified, sometimes it is better to kill them with kindness and try to learn from the experience.

Even if we don’t fully agree with the challenges presented to us in these circumstances, we all make mistakes and outside perspective can shine new light on our opinions.

Here a simple thank you or apology (or both) politely acknowledging the detractor can lead to useful moments of learning.

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