#12 Book recommendation: The Defining Decade by Meg Jay
The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now by Meg Jay is
#11 On the importance of including people in your images
When creating content online, strive to include photos with people in them.
It’s something I learned in the newsroom
#10 Why study public history over history
The field of public history looks outwards more than traditional history.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time studying public history and
#9 Give the gift of silence in your next interview
When you sit behind the mic, laptop screen or across the desk from your interviewee, they might be a little
#8 Writing advice: Set the table the night before
Some people thrive with fastidious writing routines.
Others take a looser approach to the creative process.
I count myself in
#7 Weekly Roundup 2024.04.23
Happy Sunday! Welcome to my first Weekly Roundup.
On Monday I started an experiment to write 30 blog posts in
#6 Gather your Creative Clan around you
Surrounding ourselves with like-minded creative folk elevates and empowers our own artistic endeavours.
I call them my Creative Clan.
#5 Our biggest fans and worst critics are both wrong
When we receive feedback on something we did, created or said we often heed the strongest sentiments for or against
#4 Microsoft Teams interview hack: Find your questions with a keyword
When conducting interviews over Microsoft Teams, users can generate a transcript of the meeting if the conversation is recorded.
#3 The one essential editing rule all writers can use to improve their work
Writing is a marvellous if maddening process. But it is the editing process where we refine and polish our work.