2 min read

#6 Gather your Creative Clan around you

A group of young adult friends around a fire on the beach
A Creative Clan is the group of people who inspire you and motivate you to create art. Photo by Toa Heftiba / Unsplash

Surrounding ourselves with like-minded creative folk elevates and empowers our own artistic endeavours.

I call them my Creative Clan.

Each member somehow inspires me, intrigues me or otherwise resonates with me.

Some of them are total strangers while others are dear friends.

Some will probably know they are members of the Creative Clan and others won’t.

We all know the artists, writers or creators we like.

But the Creative Clan are on another level.

These are the people we aspire to emulate, the people we carve time for in our schedules, the people we truly value honest and open feedback from when we make our own art – whatever it may be.

We might meet with them in person to discuss our projects or hold each other accountable.

We might observe their work from afar – for instance by following them on social media, reading their words or contemplating their art in a gallery.

We might pick and choose elements or approaches from them and forge our own hybrid style of creativity from their diverse ways of working.

In the future, I will share my Creative Clan with you, but they deserve a long-form blog post beyond the self-imposed 300-word limit I set for these Dispatch posts.

Do you have a Creative Clan and who are the members?

Share them in the comment section below and celebrate your Creative Clan.

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Benjamin Craske | DISPATCH 0: Start here
Dispatch posts on Benjamin Craske’s website are short blogs and are sent to his newsletter community in a Sunday Roundup each week.