2 min read

Treat January like a Sunday

A woman in a grey chunky jumper sits in her socks with a coffee and a book, reading peacefully.
Sundays, like January, are for recuperation. Photo by Anthony Tran / Unsplash.

Post-Christmas blues, tighter belts, and dark days – January is a tough month.

It is also a time when we heap pressure on ourselves. We strive to lose weight, save money, build new habits and force change as if January is the pivotal month to make or break the year ahead.

Rather than embark on an anxiety-inducing transformation, we should treat January like a Sunday.

For most of us, Sunday heralds the end of our days off and we brace for the working week to come. We tackle house chores and prepare for Monday, looking ahead. We use a slower day for seeing family or friends and maybe take a leisurely trip somewhere. We embrace Sunday’s chilled character – social plans have a relaxed quality compared to the energy and pressure of Friday/Saturday. We welcome it enthusiastically, in fact.

Why not take the Sunday sentiment and apply it to January?

Think of the Christmas holidays like a heavy Friday night spilling into a busy Saturday.

There’s increased expenditure and consumption. Our sleep, diet and exercise routine probably take a hit. We flit back and forth to cram in intense social obligations.

If these were the qualities of our Friday/Saturday, most of us would then use our Sunday to rest and look to the coming week with intention.

But when it comes to the transition from December to January, we lambast ourselves and try to channel a ‘new year, new me’ vibe, regardless of the energy we expended mere days before.

Instead, we should treat January like a Sunday.

  • Recuperate and let our bodies rest
  • Embrace some stillness
  • Look ahead and playfully consider our priorities from this place of calm
  • Tackle some light busy work so our future selves thank us
  • Venture out or stay at home, but do so in a chilled way

If you had ‘Be kind to yourself’ on your blog post Bingo card, grab your dabber and prepare to stamp.

January is a time to recuperate not self-flagellate: be kind to yourself.

Take it easy and enjoy expanding into the New Year – happy 2024 everyone.  

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